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Featuring -- The Library

Updated: Mar 19

forest chapel and creative center

The library offers film screenings, film studies and discussion, as well as space for workshops and projects. There is a friendly kitchen space, where we are exploring many ingredients and fruits of life.

Prominently, there is a studio space for recording and interviews, encouragement for yoga, gardens, and river frontage. The aspects of nature and interaction bring tranquility and conviviality to the meeting space and our social gatherings.

There is a lab space for bioresonance diagnostics and treatment, iconic foot baths, and transformative care for biofeedback and soft counseling. The library also hopes to eventually hold space for those during different transitions in life, as we are studying and in-tune with the flow and fluidity within the cycle of birth and death. The ultimate focus is optimal health and ongoing well-being, as we consider modalities and remedies most close to the notion of empowerment and value of our planet -- embodying nature as we live our lives in peace and encourage harmony within our area and mountain range.

This is a space for anybody to call on and hold courses or talks!

Come Join Our Community Library In Any Way!

We supply tea and coffee, popcorn always.

We aim for peace and appreciate good company, amongst the birds, trees, flowers, and herbs.

Coming soon!

Fresh bread (practicing baking skills and sharing laugher)

Pizza in the cob oven (currently being built in the corner garden)

In the offing: Community radio station*** join the mission

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